Words This Week-4

Hey everyone, I am trying out a new format for Word-Power. I have composed a paragraph, with some lesser-known words, with their meanings below. Tell me if this is better than the previous Word-Power posts.

His magnanimity was never questioned. That in fact was the only reason people put up with his irascible nature. When in the right mood, his vivacity and loquacity surprised everyone. Yet when devoid of his spirits, he could be extremely moody and taciturn, answering in monosyllables. After the death of his son, he became a complete recluse. One heard of him only through his distinguished works of philanthropy, which assuaged the plight of the poor.

  1. magnanimity- generosity.
  2. irascible- hot-tempered, irritable.
  3. vivacity- lively.
  4. loquacity- quality of being talkative.
  5. taciturn- saying little.
  6. recluse- a person who avoids people and lives alone.
  7. philanthropy- practice of donating money to people in need.
  8. assuaged- make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.

Hope you all liked it!!!

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One Comment on “Words This Week-4”

  1. Hey!! I loved it! Especially coz u implemented my suggestion:):)
    This gives a special appeal to the post. i know it must be a little more time consuming, nevertheless its worth the effort.
    keep posting..

    And there’s a complaint- If you’ve blogrolled me, you must drop in and check my blog too!!

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